About us

A family of five in Aotearoa New Zealand, on an international homeschool journey...so what do we do all day?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dignity Champion!

A quick post... I'm coming up for air between writing a report and trying to get our house on the market... yes many changes afoot in this household.

The Man of the House (MOTH) was nominated as a Dignity Champion by Age Concern. In going to accept the award, the MOTH thought it might be an opportunity for Miss K to 'socialise' with elderly members of the community. If we'd been in school, this chance would have been completely missed. The MOTH often explores how the children can be involved in the things he's doing, and I think he's doing an amazingly creative job!

On the morning of the presentation, Miss K carefully selected her outfit (a vintage Japanese school uniform - yes, it was mine), explained the style of hair she wanted (compliantly provided by me) and headed off with great aplomb with the MOTH. The MOTH reported back that she behaved impeccably. Miss K reported back that it really wasn't something her brother would have sat through as there was a lot of talking, there were some tea and cakes and that she got a kiss from a nice old man.
Taken from the Kapiti Observer

When she saw the photo in the paper, Miss K was most surprised, then noted: "Oh the man said he would take our photo and put it in the paper and what he said was true!" She has since taken an increasing interest in things that appear in the local newspaper!

You can read the paper's take on it here.

Happy learning days!

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